Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Peru: Cuatro

As I was wrote last time, I got to work in the clinic in Wichanzao yesterday morning. I have been thinking about this experience a lot over the past day or so. The clinic is a place of hope because it provides virtually free healthcare for people who could not otherwise afford it. However, it also made me sad. In America, many people's health issues stem from laziness. Here, the problems are because of poverty: lack of education, insufficient resources, and malnutrition. I did a urine analysis on an 83-year-old woman who had parasites and puss in her urine because she drinks the contaminated local water. One neighborhood boy, David (in the pictures from yesterday), is twelve years old but is the size of a six-year-old because of his diet, which consists almost solely of rice and potatoes. These things make me want to do something to change Peru and also make me so glad that Christ is returning to restore such a broken and hurting world.

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