Friday, July 9, 2010


I'm writing this from the Starbucks on Main Street in Norman, OK, where Andrew will *hopefully* have a job by this time on Monday. Thanks to a great friend, Mitchell Greer, Andrew has an interview here at 8:00 a.m. on July 12. If you think of it, please keep him in your prayers, as this is his first choice of places to work in the fall during seminary. (For those who are wondering, Andrew is still currently employed at Paycom and will continue to work there until August, at which time he will hopefully begin part-time work here while pursuing his studies.) Andrew's good friend, Bentern (also known as Ben Nichols, the former RUF intern), also has an interview at Starbucks on Monday, and they are both hoping that they will be able to work together!

Is Starbucks overcommercialized? Maybe. But does it provide well for its employees? Yes. Andrew working at Starbucks means that we would get free drinks, and Andrew would get health insurance for working part-time.

Oh, and free WiFi for all.

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